Morning meditation: meditation for a healthy life

a man meditating in the morning for healthy life

Morning meditation is one of the best practices and healthiest ways to start your day. It releases energy-boosting endorphins that make us happy and energetic all day. You can do it any place in the world, without equipment or memberships.

What is a morning meditation?

Morning meditation is mental hygiene. When you take time to yourself before the day begins, you simplify your mental space and get yourself ready for any activities. The benefits of this meditation include improved focus and concentration throughout the day, reduced stress and anxiety, increased mindfulness and self-awareness, improved mood and emotional well-being, and a greater sense of calm and happiness.

Why is morning the best time for meditation:

Although meditation can be beneficial at any hour of the day, morning is the best time to meditate because it’s typically the day with the least distractions. Morning is the best time for meditation because our focus and mental clarity remain better during this time. These sessions provide more clarity to move through the day.

Why is morning meditation so powerful?

Morning meditation plays a vital role in changing your life by providing calm and happiness. By taking the time to nurture your mind and mood and becoming more open to the idea of happiness, you are reducing your risk of becoming burdened by anxiety and depression.

How many minutes should you meditate in the morning?

At least 30-40 minutes of morning meditation per day is recommended for better results. When you practice regularly, you’ll begin to experience the benefits of meditation, and it will become an integral part of your daily routine.

Benefits of Morning Meditation:

 1. It helps to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health. It also helps to improve self-image and a more positive outlook on life.

 2. It boosts your mood by releasing good hormones in your brain.

 3. A morning routine helps you with control over how you respond to temptations and emotional impulses, with greater energy and clarity comes an invaluable sense of work satisfaction.

4. It helps to reduce migraines and headaches. It also improves insomnia. Through meditation, you can even bolster your immune system and reduce physical pain.

 5. As the stress levels are reduced with a consistent meditation practice your sense of emotional awareness is enhanced, increase compassion and kindness, and engage with others from a proactive rather than reactive state of mind.

 6. Activate your parasympathetic nervous system through meditation and mindfulness.

 7. Numerous studies have found that practicing mindfulness meditation every morning can be very effective in improving energy levels

  8. Several studies suggest that it may also reduce depression by decreasing levels of these inflammatory chemicals.

 9. It helps with stress management and improves coping in those caring for family members with dementia.

 10. It develops mental awareness which helps you manage triggers for unwanted impulses.

 11. It helps to decrease blood pressure and reduce migraines and headaches.

Steps of morning meditation practice:

STEP- 1:

Take a seat in a comfortable place. Finding a comfortable and silent place to sit or lie down is essential when doing this practice. This helps you to relax, more attention to your body, and clear your mind.

 STEP- 2:

Set a time limit for meditation. If you set a time limit for it and stick to it, it will be easier.

 STEP- 3:

Sit in a chair or high land, you can sit loosely cross-legged, make sure you are in a position you can stay in for a while..


Breathe deeply by taking 15 deep breaths, counting to five during each exhale and inhale. Allow lungs to fill up. Focus your attention on your breathing. 

 STEP- 5:

Slowly scan our body, and notice any sensations or areas of tension. In this step, you have to bring your attention and notice any sensations. This allows you to check in with your body and mind.

 STEP- 6:

Let go of any thoughts that come into your mind. After a certain period, your mind may wander again.

 STEP- 7:

Close with remembering our common humanity, Open your eyes, Finish up by opening your eyes and taking a few deep breaths.

Basic tips for morning meditation:

Meditate in a quiet place:

When you’re meditating at home, try to find a room that’s free of noise and disturbances. The best place would be your room or your kitchen table. If you want to set the mood, you can also light an incense or turn off the lights.

Drink some coffee or tea before morning meditation:

It’s best to drink coffee and tea before you meditate. It can make you feel jumpy and distracted while you meditate.

Meditate at a consistent time in the morning:

For morning meditation or to make meditation as a habit you have to set a specific time. If you’re used to waking up at 7, wake up 10 or 15 minutes earlier to meditate. You should consistently wake up at the same time every day. After about 2 weeks, you will wake up to meditate without even thinking.


As morning meditation helps to improve mental and emotional health everybody should perform this practice daily. You may also practice it to relax and cope with stress by focusing on something that calms you. It is not always peaceful, but after a certain period, it provides amazing benefits. So you have to set this daily activity as a habit for success.

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