12 basic tips for Stress Management

Stress can be defined as a state of mental tension caused by a difficult situation. It is responsible for poor concentration and decreased performance of a person. Stress management play a vital role to reduce the negative impacts caused by stress and improves physical and mental well-being.

For stress management we have to maintain some basic tips such as, practice breathing exercise, meditation, Yoga, Listen to music, eat healthy, exercise, reading books etc.

Table of contents:

1. Breathing exercising

2. Listen to music

3. Meditation 

4. Exercise regularly

5. Maintain a balanced diet

6. Social support

7. Yoga

8. Hobby

9. Nature

10. Time management

11. Reading books

12. Talk to friends and family

 1. Breathing exercise:

Breathing exercises help strengthening the lungs, prevent negative thoughts and relieving tension. We can practice it anytime, any cost and anywhere of the world. Abdominal breathing increases the supply of oxygen to brain and stimulates the nervous system. Deep breathing stimulate nervous system with sends a signal to brain.

At first stage we may feel tired, but after a long period the technique will become easier and feel more natural. Breathing 20 to 30 minutes each day is recommended for reducing stress and anxiety.

2. Listen to Music:

Music is a powerful tool that stimulates mind to reduce stress. It’s heart healthy. It improves our mental and emotional health. It can make us feel good and more optimistic. Blood pressure can also be decreased when we listening classical music.

Music also stimulates the production of dopamine, the “feel good” hormone which leads to stress management.

3. Meditation: 

The practice of meditation offers a variety of benefits to reduce stress. It alleviates stress-related ailments such as high blood pressure, insomnia, chronic pain, depression etc. In modern days meditation is commonly practiced by people in all corners of the world and can be used as alternative medicine to reduce stress and anxiety.

A daily meditation practice will provide the most benefits. At least 10 minutes per day meditation is recommended for maximum benefit.

4. Exercise regularly:

Exercises play an important role to improve physical, mental and emotional health. It increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain, triggering the release of endorphins and serotonin, the “feel good” hormones.  Aerobic exercise play the most important role to reducing stress whereas not much evidence is available regarding resistance exercises.

At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week is recommended for maximum result. 

5. Maintain a balanced diet:

A healthy diet can support a healthy immune system and help to repair of damaged cells. Green leafy vegetables and raw fruits are stress-busting powerhouses. Most fresh fruits and vegetables contain a huge amount of antioxidant which leads to stress management.

Balance diet help to reduce stress by boosting the immune system and lowering blood pressure.

6. Social support:

Social supports play a vital role to reduce stress by lowering the physiological responses to stressful situations. Relationships with family and friends, offering advice, guidance and emotional comfort are all forms of social support. Social support may best help to reduce stress by increasing the body’s release of cortisol.

It also fosters self-esteem and inhibits feeling incompetent in coping with stress. It is linked with lower depression and lower hopelessness levels among depressed patients.

7. Yoga:

Yoga is a type of exercise which help to reduce stress with improve physical and emotional health. It can be used as alternative medicine. It helps relieve tension in the body and promote relaxation. You can practice it anytime, any cost and anywhere of the world.

Daily practice this process as a part of life, it improves physical, mental, and emotional health.

8. Nature:

Nature improves our mood, confidence and self-esteem. It reduces feelings of stress. It also promotes positive thinking and improves memory. Spending some minute in nature, looking at natural scenery or listening to nature sounds can reduce the effects of stress and anxiety.

Going for a 30-minute walk in nature lowers the level of cortisol, known as a stress hormone.

9. Hobby:

Hobbies increases our productivity, improve our physical and mental health. People who regularly participate in hobbies can be less likely to suffer from symptoms of stress and anxiety. Not only hobby promote stress relief but also good for overall health. After a long period workday, it would be better to engage in hobbies.

Music, dance, gardening are some of the interesting hobbies to reduce stress. People who engage with hobbies are less likely to experience stress, low mood, and depression.

10. Time management:

Time management is defined as planning, organizing, and dividing time for specific activities. Efficient use of time reduces stress. It is important to learn time management techniques to stay healthy and happy.

We must have time management skills to increase job performance. Poor time management is a major factor for stress and anxiety.

11. Reading books:

Reading books play an important role to reduce stress and anxiety. It can relax our body and mind by lowering heart rate and easing the tension in muscles. It focuses mind, taking it off of the issues that are causing stress and anxiety.

Daily practice of reading, as a part of life, it improves physical, mental, and emotional health. 40 minutes of reading could reduce stress as much as a 40 minute meditation.

12. Talking to friends and family:

Talking to friends and family is essential because it creates a sense of belonging, improve self-confidence and help to reduce stress. It can positively impact on our mood and body, especially when we going through stressful situations.

Relationships with friends can also bolster our mood, improve outlook, and preserve mental well-being.


Stress management is the range of techniques and strategies, designed to help control stress. It leads overall human well-being. Effective stress management helps to break the stress and make a person happier, healthier, and more productive. We should follow above these stress management tips for preventing and managing long-term stress and anxiety.

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